This past Thursday- I took a traffic-free hour long drive from the San Fernando Valley to the Antelope Valley California Poppy Reserve. It was glorious. I don’t even know if I have words to describe just how this year’s super bloom left me in complete awe. Really. According to National Geographic, a super bloom “is a colloquial term used to define an explosion of wildflowers that exceeds typical spring blooms.” Thanks to all of the unusual nonstop winter Southern California rain, a beautiful adventure is blooming. I would encourage you to get out there and go see it. It felt like I was a part of the poppy scene in the Wizard of Oz. Not only did I enjoy the scenic display of God’s handiwork- I also consumed the sweet grace of friendship. My friend Davina was my partner on the daytrip- she indulged me in my suggestion on wearing matching hats and kept me laughing the entire time as we caught up on each other’s lives’ offering the other encouragement and affirmation. What an unforgettable day!
Not too long ago I shared My Spring Bucket List – well this adventure is definitely moving to the top of the list.
While I’ve heard horror stories about the Disneyland-like crowds and hour-long wait to get into the reserve to just to park I am proud to report this was not a part of my experience most likely because I went on a weekday. No traffic. Only a 10 minute wait to park and it wasn’t crowded at all. Just wanted to drop a little inspiration of an almost free (costs $10 to park) spring adventure that will completely blow you away.
Headed to see a super bloom near you? Please tag me on Instagram or leave a comment! I’d love to see your spring adventures.