Gosh! Can you believe it?!?! 6 months have flown by so quickly! Here’s a brief update on our Brie-Brie. She is on the verge of crawling! She gets up on all fours and bounces- its the cutest thing! She also rolls to toys or things she wants! She can sit up unassisted and she’s teething!!! In addition to breast milk, she has also began eating homemade baby food. Did I mention we just got her ears pierced!??
There are so many milestones to celebrate- we simply couldn’t wait until she turned 1 to put on her birthday hat and make a cake!
And speaking of making her a cake! Being the extra mom that I am I went ahead and made her half of a birthday cake in honor of her 1/2 birthday!

Making a half birthday cake is very easy- here’s how you do it! I divided the batter of a recipe of yellow cake equally into to 8 inch baking dishes. I then stacked the cakes and cut them in half. I reserved one half for me to eat without icing (the struggle is so real LOL). The other three halves I used to make Brielle’s cake.

I then used a star icing tip to pipe swirls all over Brielle’s half cake! The boys thought the half cake was so funny and cute!

No- we didn’t let Brielle eat any of her cake. We do have to save some of the fun for turning 1. But she loved the balloons and the tutus we got for her and her highchair.
Would you believe I found the cake topper, half onsie, and high chair tutu on http://www.amazon.com ?
Ok! I am so looking forward to sharing cake tutorials for Valentine’s Day so stay tuned.
thanks so much Pastor Alex!
Love it all sands!! Brie-Brie is so cute cute!
Thanks so much Sands!
Oh ‼️My gosh 💕 she is so cute with those little healthy legs 😇 and I Lol 😆 when I saw that half cake ☺️ It is just too adorable and the half birthday sign💕. Once again Miss Portia, you have done it again and amazed us all 💯🤗😎I love it all‼️
Thank you Coreretta doll! yes these kids grow so fast! we have to celebrate these milestones. It passes so fast