A Sweet Sedona Babymoon

A Sweet Sedona Babymoon post thumbnail image

We took the plunge and finally went on a REAL babymoon! With our first son Blake we didn’t feel the need to splurge on a vacation. We were intentional about taking two years before starting a family to do some traveling and bonding together so a babymoon seemed unnecessary. I got pregnant with our second son Bryce when Blake was just 9-months-old and I nursed Blake throughout my entire pregnancy. My husband and I both felt terribly guilty to leave Blake alone even for just a night and I was also concerned about reducing my milk supply. So we went on somewhat of a babymoon and left Blake for the very first time for less than 24 hours and had an overnight stay at a local Embassy Suites  enjoying a night of sleep without the demands of nursing as well as the cooked to order omelets Embassy Suites are known for. No fan-fare, just a simple much needed break. With my husband’s recently intensified work schedule which also includes travel away from home, two toddlers just 18 months apart and an imminent reality that a year’s worth of sleepless nights are upon us- our babymoon planning began!

Why Sedona?

We wanted a brand new adventure. I had never been to Arizona and while my husband had been to Phoenix, neither of us had been to Sedona and it gave us the opportunity to also visit the Grand Canyon which is one of the wonders of the world. We didn’t want to be on a 4-5 hour plane ride to Florida or Hawaii. With Arizona being just an hour plane ride away and the Sedona weather being pleasant during the spring we felt like we could get the most out of a 4-day-vacation in Sedona! And the Enchantment Resort did not disappoint!


Day 1

We took a two hour scenic drive from Phoenix to Sedona and talked the entire time. No music or podcasts needed. Our expectations were met upon our arrival at the Enchantment Resort nested in the Boyton Canyons on 70 acres of natural terrain- the glorious red rocks and serenity took our breath away. We loved having our own casita with a balcony and view of the mountains. babymoon3.JPG

Although we were given a parking spot we were informed to call the front desk and request a bellman to escort us around the property! We relaxed at Tii Gavo one of the resort’s casual dining restaurants and enjoyed complimentary cocktails and mocktails while we watched the sunset over a dramatic Southwestern dinner before retiring for the night.


I got 9-10 hours of sleep each night while on vacation which was a grace from God I tell you! Each morning when we woke up a bucket of ice with two fresh-squeezed orange juices along with a Wall Street Journal was on our doorstep. There was no need to rush since the breakfast buffet was not over until 11:30am. Every day we enjoyed breakfast overlooking the pool.


Enchantment guests also can access the spa as a courtesy and complimentary fitness classes as well as barrage of daily activities. We enjoyed relaxing out by the pool and getting freshly made juices inside the spa’s café. On the second day of our babymoon our evening activity was a sunset maternity shoot in one of the breathtakingly beautiful red rock national parks.


When we chose Sedona as our location, I knew we had to take advantage of the scenery and memorialize the adventure with a maternity shoot. With this being our third and last baby I thought we should go all out! At first I didn’t want to drive anywhere but I’m so glad we heeded our photographer’s advice- the 25 minute drive to the photo-shoot provided us with a tour of Sedona, which is a vintage & charming Southwestern town that looks like something out of a movie. Not to mention the glory of the national park. Hubby and I enjoyed being romantic and experimenting with tossing my dress up in the air for the perfect dramatic shot! My heart was so full. I kept  my red dress on after our sunset photo shoot and we ate dinner at Chi Ah Chi’s the resort’s formal restaurant which satisfied our every taste bud!


Day 3 was our big adventure day! Staff at the resort encouraged us to head to the Grand Canyon and catch the sunrise. I still wanted to get my 9-10 hours of sleep in and take my time getting to breakfast so we opted for a Grand Canyon sunset instead. At 1p.m. we headed off on the 2.5 hour drive. I had no idea 75% of the drive would be rural winding roads up into the mountains. We lost reception often, saw deer by the roadside and while the natural beauty of the forest was a visual treat we quickly realized we needed an alternate path getting home as we’d need reception and a well-lit path in the evening. Being pregnant, we honestly made about 4 bathroom stops which extended the length of the drive. When we finally arrived at the Grand Canyon we were greeted by a grazing elk at the visitor center. We were told Hopi Point was the best spot for a dramatic sunset so we caught the complimentary busses around and made that our final stop. And guess what?!! It rained. Hard. Got really cold. We didn’t think to consider the elevation when we got dressed that day. After about 10 minutes the pouring rain let up and we spent a good hour keeping warm and enjoying this beautiful scene the Lord himself set up for us. Creation testifies- Romans 1:20!grandcanyon1grandcanyon2grandcanyon3

After catching the sunset we caught the bus back to Visitor Center where we’d parked. It was 8pm and completely pitch black dark. We were one of the few cars left inside the parking lot- I guess the other folks got the memo that it probably wasn’t the best idea to leave at night. There was no reception so we prayed and paid good attention and found our way out of the Grand Canyon back to the streets where there was a good signal. We stopped off at Mac Donald’s to get warm cookies, facetime our kids and say good night as well as call the hotel for an alternate route back preferably on a freeway. The hotel was of big help and gave us another route that would take longer to get back but would also keep us on a freeway most of the time avoiding the winding one-way paths up and down the mountains. We sang worship songs as we drove home. There was still little light. It was not a situation we desired to be in but we felt God’s presence and felt very close as a couple problem-solving our way 3 hours back to the resort. There were no restroom breaks. What I’ll never forget was how clearly we saw the stars that night. I tried to take a picture on my phone but there was nothing there.  We made it back safely. We were grateful for the entire adventure both the good and the bad. We had seen the mercy and the glory of God that day. We will never forget it.


Finally it was time to head home. We had a 5p.m. flight so we could still sleep in, enjoy the fresh squeezed orange juices and paper on our casita balcony. I decided to save my husband some money and found a local breakfast spot to eat at instead of the resort’s buffet- LOL.

My husband had done the majority of the driving on our babymoon so I drove us back to the rental car spot in Phoenix after we packed up and ate breakfast where one of my husband’s long-time friend’s who lives there met us and drove us around Phoenix to give us a tour before our plane took off. What a hospitable and kind gesture! Phoenix is beautiful but much hotter than Sedona- needless to say we were grateful to back into the airconditioned airport and get back home to our boys. I bought keepsakes to take back to the boys from our vacation. My parents had always made me feel special whenever they went away by bringing me back a cultural gift from wherever they were. It made me feel remembered and special so I wanted to do the same for our boys.

Errol reminded me to text a lady we met at the resort and thank her for trying to help us with the Grand Canyon. She had gone earlier in the day with her three daughters and had taken the time to text me the best spots to eat at and other nice suggestions. I told y ‘all it rained on us while at the Grand Canyon- and my new friend actually caught a picture of the rainbow which she text me.grandcanyon4

Wow. Which leads me to my takeaways.


  • I felt like our Grand Canyon experience is a metaphor for marriage.  There will be storms in your marriage, but through God’s mercy there are rainbows too. The challenges we experience can actually bring us closer to God and our spouse. So hang in there. The journey is yours- make it rich and meaningful.
  • Splurge on your marriage. Invest in quick getaways and regular date nights. The children will one day move out and start their own lives and you will need to still love and have a deep connection with your husband or wife.  So be careful that the culture of your home doesn’t solely revolve around the comfort and happiness of your children. Let your marriage be the priority- your children will reap countless blessings from living in a stable home where God’s grace and their parent’s commitment is the foundation.
  • After three nights of 10 hours of sleep, I came home a different mom. A more patient one. Things that would normally irritate me and cause me to lose control and snap at the kids had lost their power. I realized just how important rest is for my wellbeing and ability to care for myself and others. Maybe that’s why God in His wisdom modeled for us how to live by resting after He made the world. I made a commitment to myself to take naps and be okay if everything doesn’t get done, or if the house isn’t picture-perfect as far as being clean or if we eat out because I didn’t make dinner. Those things are far less important than being kind and patient with others which are the things that really make a home.

I hope our babymoon adventure inspires you in someway. If you’re pregnant I’d highly recommend taking a break from it all for a few days to reconnect with your spouse- especially if you already have older kids. I hope you know God is with you in the storms of life- hold on, trust Him and keep a lookout for the rainbows. And I hope you will find the space and grace to rest. All my love!

4 thoughts on “A Sweet Sedona Babymoon”

  1. WoW ! Portia, You always amaze me with your grace, Love for GOD, & family and Humility. Not to mention The Wisdom that you purely and genuinely give . The pics said a thousand words and as always were breath-taking.
    I thank God for your spirit, for who you are, and for always sharing…. May God continue to be Glorified through you and in you. and His blessings, of Health, Love, Peace and Prosperity be upon your family always.

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