We’re now in week 3 as a nation of quarantining in efforts to try and slow the spread of Corona Virus. These times can present challenges as families are trying to work from home and home school in many cases several different children at once. Not to mention I’ve been reading divorce is on the rise as couples are not equipped to be spending this much time together and are discovering they don’t like each other’s company. So I wrote this article to share some ways you and your family might cope through this crisis.
The week the Corona Virus became a pandemic that was not just “out there” on the news but a force to be reckoned with that would disrupt all of my plans I was supposed to go to Disneyland’s “Food & Wine Festival.” My husband was supposed to go to the Laker’s Game. I was in complete shock watching seemingly untouchable organizations like the NBA cancel their season and Disneyland shut it’s doors. Then that Friday our kids were sent home with a humongous workload of busy work and I became an instant home-school mom of three. In the days to come my husband and his employees would work remotely from home. Then the stay at home orders came. At first I felt sad and shocked. Angry. I probably went through the cycle of grief every day.
This was especially challenging for me because I’m a sightseeing extrovert. Watching the entire country shut down and confine me and three children under 5 to the house seemed unbearable. Slowly but surely I began to see the light. And the truth began to sink in that God was allowing this. How could the Lord bring good out of an awful situation and what would that look like in our family? In the midst of the chaos of home schooling and the laundry and dish washing tripling as a result of everyone being home all day, I began to sense God at work within us. So here’s how we’ve been coping. I hope that some of the things we’ve done might be of help to you also.
- Have nightly family worship. Prior to the Corona Pandemic my husband did “devotion” with the boys while I cleaned the kitchen. He read them a bible verse and said their nighttime prayers with them before tucking them in. Since we’ve been home, I’ve stopped cleaning up during “devotion time.” In addition to reading the bible, we sing worship songs together. The boys are really into it. When your 4-year-old is walking around singing, “Way Maker. Miracle Worker. Promise Keeper. Light in the darkness, ” you know God is in the midst. LOL! But seriously. This has been a time to let the kids hear us grownups cry out to God for our nation and pray over them. We are feeling God’s presence as a family in a unique way and it’s wonderful
- Host Family Meetings. If you have concerns your kids probably do as well. Set aside a time to listen to, normalize and validate your children. Ask them how you can pray for them.
- Apologize when appropriate . Lets face it! None of us have ever home-schooled through a health pandemic. It can be challenging dealing with personalities and the demands of helping children in different age groups keep up with distance learning. When you snap at one of your kids, apologize and ask for forgiveness. We are modeling for our kids how God forgives us and showing them how to confess their wrongdoings instead of covering them up. Kids are very forgiving. Apologizing to a child can do wonders for your relationship with them.
- Utilize Zoom or Face time. While we’re physically distancing we really shouldn’t be socially distancing. Organize a zoom prayer meeting or virtual brunch to keep the connection going with close friends and loved ones. Set aside time to pick up the phone and call people- especially those who might be vulnerable at this time.
- Make Traditions. Traditions give us a sense of comfort and belonging- something we could use more of these days. Make new family traditions to cope with the pandemic. Here are some ideas: Saturday morning pancakes, Sunday night eat outside, Church online Sunday with at-home communion etc.
- Make a schedule: It will be important for us parents to create a sense of normalcy with a schedule we keep each day that allows time for work, learning , play, snacks and breaths of fresh air. I would also encourage parents to include “naptime” or “quiet time” in their schedule each day or even a few times a day if needed so parents have time to catch their breath, make meals and straighten up. Also give yourself grace and know that there are days when our schedules will go out the window- and that’s okay too. We need to have a schedule while at the same time allowing space for flexibility.
Meal Prep Musts
- Make enough for leftovers. Eating the same thing two days in a row isn’t that bad. It will save parents a lot of time cooking and cleaning if they decide to double their recipe so it stretches a little further.
- Freeze Meals. Like I said, I encourage parents to double or even tripple their recipes so they can eat the same thing for an extra day or two- or freeze a serving for next week. Some of my favorite meals to make in bulk and then freeze soups, spaghetti casseroles and enchiladas. You should check out my pantry chili and cornbread recipe as well.
- Use your Instapot. I can’t say enough about the Instapot. Go online there are so many recipes on how you can make meals in record time. I use my Instapot to save time on making collard greens, beans and soups. I even use it and delay the cooking start time so that my steel cut oats breakfast is ready for my family when I wake up and that’s one less thing to do.
Remember, “Family and Fun,” Aren’t Cancelled
We have found that all the social-distancing measures have created a stronger sense of family togetherness in our home. The Lord has us in this season for a reason. Embrace it. Below find a few of my ideas on fun ways you can connect with your loved ones these days during the quarantine.
- Cook or bake together. Make Mickey and Minnie Mouse Waffles. Make pizza together. Bake a pie.

- Camp inside with homemade tepees and forts
- Plant a vegetable Garden. Now’s a great time to start growing your fruit and veggies. It’s a family tradition of ours to plant a spring garden. We put ours in a few days ago.

- Play board games. I can’t believe how much the kids enjoyed Monopoly. The game has not ended for two weeks now. We have it stationed in the front room so we can go back to it as we want.
- Do Arts & Crafts
- Have a movie night
- Have a dance disco party
- Get organized: donate or throw away old toys and clothes.
- Blow Bubbles Outside
- Fly A Kite
- Write encouraging messages on your sidewalk using chalk
- Ride Bikes and Scooters
- BBQ or Grill Outside
- Have a backyard Picnic
- Make a TicToc Dance Video
- Take a free online class so many are being offered at this time.
- Write birthday cards to friends and family who can’t celebrate with others at this time.
Thank you so much for reading. Please share your coping strategies or more ideas of ways to have fun in the comments.