Happy Palm Sunday and Holy Week. A few weeks ago I was hopeful our nation would be on a different trajectory and that we just might be able to go back to church on Easter Sunday. I felt discouraged as time revealed more social distancing and precautionary measures were needed to stop the spread of COVID 19 and everything including the school year would need to be cancelled. I’m going to be honest with you here, there were moments I felt discouraged. But when despair set in, the Lord lifted up my head and encouraged my heart. We might not be able to gather at church this Easter but dear one, WE ARE THE CHURCH. Be confident in that. So I am writing a quick blog post to share 10 ways we can STILL celebrate Easter from home this week. The Lord can and will meet us in our homes as we seek to honor him.
One of my favorite bible verses is Deuteronomy 6:5-7, “You shall love the Lord your God with all of you heart, with all of your soul and with all of your strength….You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, when you rise up.” In this bible verse, God is asking parents to teach their children about Him. I know Easter at home can seem daunting. But the Lord will give you the grace you need to pass on your faith to your little ones at this sacred time. He qualifies those whom He calls- that’s us parents! Dive in and embrace the situation we find ourselves in. I know the Lord will give you creative ideas to make a lasting impression on the hearts of your children. Here are a few of mine.
- Watch C. S. Lewis’, “The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe.” C.S. Lewis is using the world of Narnia to tell the Easter story to children and it’s pure genius I tell you! A family tradition of ours is to watch it every Easter. If time permits, I’ll make Aslan cupcakes. Explore with your children the ways Lewis is showing us the story of the Resurrection. I tear up every time I watch guys!!! You can stream, “The Lion The Watch & The Wardrobe” using the Disney App right to your TV screen.

- Watch the, “Jesus Film” together as a family.
- Make a message pie or quiche for a celebratory meal. If you have alphabet pie punches you can write, “He is Risen.” There still may be time to order alphabet cookie cutters to get here by next Sunday.

- Make Resurrection Crafts. Pinterest had some good ideas per usual.
- On Easter Sunday put the pajamas aside and get dressed for online church. You won’t need your fancy Derby hat this year, but a simple spring dress will do. This is showing the kids our service time is still important even if from home.
- Zoom with your church family on Easter Sunday.
- Have a Resurrection Egg Hunt on Easter Sunday. If you can’t get Resurrection Eggs in time, consider making your own by writing clues inside plastic Easter eggs on small sheets of paper.

- Make Easter dinner. Gathering over a special meal to talk about the cross is a great way to pass on your faith.
- Read Easter Books. Below find a few of my favorites.

- Rest. Christ’s power and redemption is for NOW. Expect Him to meet you and your family in a special way this Easter as we celebrate from home.
Please share your ideas to celebrate from home in the comments.