So I’ve been keeping a secret for a whopping 16 weeks now! God has been so gracious- we’re expecting the final addition to our family and we had a gender reveal Sunday morning to celebrate! But before I reveal the newest little Gorman’s gender I want to briefly testify about getting pregnant in the first place.
We were ABSOLUTELY sure we were done after having our charming little boys just 18 months apart of each other.

A little after our youngest had turned one, I was quite surprised that if I was completely honest with myself, I really did have this growing desire for a third baby. I thought we might regret it later on in life if we didn’t try just one more time. When I presented my thoughts to my husband he couldn’t imagine getting pregnant again. He reminded me of all the challenging milestones we’d JUST overcome: the first year of NOT sleeping and changing diapers. He argued we were finally able to go out on overnights just us two and pick up our date life, not to mention his business was really picking up which would require more travel on his part. Rather than let it divide us- I gave it to God and said, “If it’s your will Lord, you alone can change my husband’s heart.” I stopped bringing it up.
Well I had just weaned the youngest after nursing for 4 straight years since I had the boys so close. That’s when my husband started strongly desiring a third baby. I couldn’t believe it. He was serious. Even tearfully praying about it. God is sovereign. We eventually decided to try for 90 days- if God wanted us to have another baby He would bless us before the end of the year. If the 90 days passed without a positive pregnancy we would continue on in contentment and gratitude for the little family we already had. Several of our friends started dreaming we were pregnant, signs were everywhere. We conceived pretty fast.
We shared our good news Christmas day by wrapping the ultra sound in a box for our boys to open as their final present- meanwhile both of our parents and my Godmother were present to witness this great news.
So back to the gender reveal! I planned an intimate brunch at Firefly in Studio City. They housed the brunch buffet in a dark and charming vintage library with cooked-to-order eggs and omelets. We were seated on a private upper patio deck with a fireplace. It even stopped raining once we were seated. The hospitality and service, amazing food and charming dรฉcor made our party so warm and special.

I made a simple vanilla cake topped with a chocolate drizzle and pink and blue rosettes.

But since we had revealed our first two son’s gender by cutting a cake my husband opted for shooting a REAL bow and arrow into a balloon which would pop and reveal our newest baby’s gender. But since Firefly didn’t have an archery permit we compromised by popping an oversized balloon with a pin LOL.

It was such a surreal moment! My husband and oldest son really had their hearts set on a girl! Needless to say everyone was tickled pink. We are so excited to welcome our baby girl this July. We covet your prayers.
Portia Lovely Congratulations to you both!
I am soooo excited that it will be a princess. Cant wait to meet her ๐
God is so gracious!
I love all the beautiful pictures.
What a blessing for you and your loved ones!!!!! ๐๐๐๐๐๐ป๐๐ป๐๐ป๐๐ป
Many blessings on your new precious journey. Love you my dear sister in Christ.๐๐๐๐๐
Thank you so much Abby! Can’t wait to see you soon!
Thank you sweet Brenda!!! I appreciate all our love and support! You’re the best!
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!! A.W.E.S.O.M.E!!!!!!!!!!!!! So happy for you and your family.
Thank you so much!
God Bless you and your new arrival. Love you all!
Thank you so much!
I am so excited and happy for you and your family! … Won’t He do it! He said He would!….(singing) So I’ll trust Him at all times ! ;o) …Praying God grants you and little Miss Portia a Healthy delivery
Thank you so much for the well wishes and prayer Corretta!
Awwwwwww! Beautiful! May the Lord perfect that which He has begun. Amen! Congratulations ๐๐
thank you so much for the well wishes!
Beautiful!! Congratulations on your baby girl!!! ๐๐๐